Thursday, June 5, 2008

Breaking the seal!

So my mom has been getting after me for a few weeks now to get a blog going. Share my randomness or something to that effect! I figure its a good enough idea as any!

So I'm here at work, blogging. Because I'm not nerdy enough. =) Totally kidding!

Today I had yet another reminder that I must be some sort of space case. I had this list, in my head ofcourse, of things I needed to do yesterday. As the day wore on I did a lot of things but as I'm sitting here now I think that most of the items on my mental list just kind of faded off rather then actually being accomplished! In fact I think I managed to invent a whole new list of To-do's that I accomplished yesterday without actually doing anything on the original list! Moral of the story: Write things down. Mental lists are so not the way to go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for following some advice that is fairly pain free! Except for those reading maybe! :O No, not at all really. I'm putting you in my bookmarks!